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Peace Groups

The case of the young American Jew, Adam Shapiro, working in Palestine with the Peace Groups and having his family in New York threatened with death should remind us all that most Jews in America are not Likudniks.  We conservatives hear almost nothing about Jewish peace groups, those opposed to Sharon, the Likud, the settlements (the "abominable settlements" in the words of NY TIMES columnist Thomas Friedman), unending war and making America into the enemy of the Moslem world. Besides Shapiro there are many unsung principled Jews such as he.  More recently there was Rachel Corrie ,run over by an Israeli bulldozer as she protested the razing of Palestinian homes.  Her father is Jewish.
Most Jews, American and Israeli, want peace and are willing to compromise with Palestinians.  The AMERICAN PROSPECT published a long report on polling of Jewish views and how the Likud Lobby works to intimidate those who oppose it.  The study shows that it is just two large Likudnik groups in Washington that foment the settlements and Sharon, that make up the much feared "Israeli Lobby" that terrifies most Congressmen, the American Israeli Political Action Committee (named by FORTUNE the most powerful lobby in Washington) and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.  The Conference is dominated by small, radical groups each of which has a vote carrying the same weight as 700,000 member large organizations which want peace. These two count on the image of a Jewish Monolithic Power to intimidate journalists and congressmen to support Sharon and the settlements.
Their greatest venom is directed against fellow Jews who favor peace and compromise, see THREATS AGAINST TIKKUN, (and link below on "Self Hating Jews") precisely because they threaten the image of monolithic Jewish political power.  The lobby's overwhelming power also comes from another, far less known element, fundamentalist Christian  Dispensationalists, or Christian Zionists, especially those who have moved from forecasting Armageddon to actively trying to bring it about.   And lastly it comes from old conservative cold war warriors (who miss having an enemy) and empire wanters who envision America ruling the world with Israel's help.
The NEW YORK TIMES published an article by the editor of FORWARD, the major Jewish weekly newspaper, explaining that most American Jews favor compromise with the Palestinians, and financial pressure on Sharon to force a compromise.   Almost never is such information reported to American Conservatives who, mainly from the WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed, NATIONAL REVIEW,  THE WASHINGTON TIMES (although it publishes columnists with opposing views), only get Sharon/Likud occupation views.   See (long) List of Pro-Likud Conservative journalists 

Following are links to pro-peace, anti-settlement Jewish groups;  Most Jews do not blindly follow an Israel over Everybody policy.  Most Jews want peace.  Most Jews are not represented by AIPAC, the noisy ones, who favor settlements in Palestine, attacking Iraq, and growing powers of a Warfare State in Washington.